
About us

Our mandate is to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in all part of the country and in all Nations of the world holding strictly to the Bible as unerring guide in matters of church organization as well in all matters that pertain to the Gospel.

To hold worship service, prayer meetings, bible studies, retreats, crusades, seminars, conferences and other meetings where any participant irrespective of church affiliation are taught the word of God and led into a richer experience with the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

To be involved in National Building projects such agriculture, school, well equipped maternity faith home and child welfare programs in rural and areas with qualified medical personnel.

To publish and distribute Christian’s literature, including tracts, books, booklets, magazines, study guide, bible and any other materials for the purpose of evangelism and promotion of the Christian Faith and making known the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world.

To reach out to people of all ages and from all walks of life including those who are often marginalized by society like young offenders, prostitutes, the homeless, the elderly and the disabled.

We also believe in showing God’s love to people in practical ways, by providing food for people in desperate need, giving clothes, free medical services, administered drugs, free eyes check, treatment and glass.

To increase the quality of life and wellbeing of individuals and communities in United Kingdom and in the world.

To adopt all such methods as the ministry may think fit to generate funds for its project and accept donations, gifts and aids.

To promote relief support services globally to areas where there are natural and man-made disasters, civil war and unrest, ethnic and religious clashes etc

To empowered the younger pupils with the word of God by starting School fellowship and bible study and also to impact them by the power of Holy spirit.

Mission Statement

Joy of Salvation International Evangelical Ministries is a non-denominational gathering of Christians. We aim to hold fellowships in halls and organize crusades around the world, targeting those that do not know the person of Jesus Christ.

Our mission


The Lord led us to Ikale land (Ode Aye) in Ondo State, Nigeria on a mission outreach. We started with prayer walks, walking around the town, followed by house-to-house evangelism, preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the young and old. It has since grown and been a huge success for six years.


Preparation towards 2017-18 crusade and outreach.


During our house-to-house evangelism, we experienced many divine miracles and interventions. A young lady was delivered from an adulterous way of life. A young man was delivered from sexual immorality with ladies and men. A young man suffering from epilepsy got delivered and his household gave their lives to Jesus.

During the ministration, hundreds gave their lives to Christ Jesus. We partnered with local churches where new believers developed their faith. We rounded up the program with a Q&A session in one of the Redeemed Church of God churches in Ode Aye, Ikale Land, Ondo State.


The Lord took it to another level. We held a seven-day outreach. The programme included:

  • A three day crusades
  • Theme: Let my people be willing in the day of your power (Psalm 110:3).
  • Gave out free Bibles, Tracts and Literature Books for new converts.
  • Free medical services
  • Free general checks
  • Administered free drugs
  • Free eye-checks, treatment and glasses.
  • We also give out free clothes and food to the community.
  • Over 500 people benefited from the programme.


We could not hold any outreach events due to Covid-19 restrictions.


We had another seven-day programme, which included Schools, Street and Market evangelism. We covered three towns: Iju Odo, Ilutitun and Erekiti in Ondo State, Nigeria.

This programme included:

  • Preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to six schools in the above towns.
  • The Theme: Come unto me those who are weary and heavy laden (Matthew 11:28-30).
  • Free Bibles, Tracts and Literature Books were given to new believers.
  • Free medical services
  • Free general check
  • Administered free medication
  • Free eye-checks, treatment and glasses.
  • We also give out free clothes.
  • Over 1000 people benefited from the programme.

We are trusting God and looking forward to years ahead where millions lives transformed and impacted in Jesus name.